Our exam is on Tuesday June 24 @ 12:00 in our classroom, A206.
If you haven't already returned it, please bring your textbook with you.

click here for the recommended exam review format.

Mon June 2 - Mon June 9

Click here for the presentation schedule for June 10-13 Click here for a copy of the task itself
  • Work periods all week on our final performance task.
  • How much of it will YOU leave as homework?
  • Consider these your objectives each day, to stay on track:
Monday; locate your 3 sources, put in APA form
Tuesday; get APA checked, put rough research into sentence/paragraph format (use headings for each section)
Wednesday; finalize the 'Overview' section and the section 'How it can be managed / prevented / treated'. Check that you have citations for each fact/stat/idea.  Do the citations match your references? Review the rubric for the task; are you missing anything?
Thursday; Relate your topic to what you have learned in the course.  Use your class notes to help you.  Ask Mrs. Burgie if you get stuck.
Friday; finalize the 'Connections to the Course' section, begin proofreading, editing of finalized type written work
Monday June 9; pretty it up! Spellcheck, print, cut & paste text and images  (if posterboard). Format font size, style, layout on each slide, locate images (if google pres). Review the rubric to make sure you've included everything you are supposed to.

Fri May 30

Today is the first work period for the Final Performance Task, due Tuesday June 10.

  • Sign up for a topic, please :)

Thurs May 29

Test today.

Wed May 28

I'll also introduce the final performance task, worth 15% of your final grade.
After we'll play some review bingo!

Tues May 27

Today will be jeopardy-style test review.
If there's any time left over, you'll have a chance to work on the review questions that were posted to the blog yesterday.